
Five Months Later...

Wow! So I haven't posted anything in about 5 months and have undoubtedly lost all 5 readers that I had. Well, in that time I've moved back to Arkansas to begin work with The Nature Conservancy again, gotten married, honeymooned across New England and Quebec, and moved to a new place in Little Rock. My intentions were to keep this blog up over the winter and highlight some of my prescribed fire activities. Obviously that didn't happen. So what provoked me to start writing again you ask? The next wildfire season of course. Shortly after I finished wading through the application process I got a call from the Malheur Rappel Crew in John Day, OR and had a nice chat with them. They are a Forest Service Heli-Rappel crew on the Malheur National Forest. Two days later I interviewed for the job and got hired the next day. This is good news for several reasons: its a GS-05 level job (a step up from last season), its a rappel job on a reputable crew, and I don't have to worry about what summer job I'm going to end up with for the next couple months! Anyways, if anybody still checks this site, glad you stuck around and I'll try to get some Rx fire posts up in the near future.