
Dry Spell Continues

Well no fires yet. Very hot and dry weather but no lightning. There is a chance of lightening this weekend so fingers are crossed for that. The first crew that went to staff our national helicopter in California is back and the second crew for the helicopter left on Wednesday. I'll probably make the third crew in a couple weeks. In the meantime its just the old waiting game again. Everything is clean and organized so we are having to look harder for projects to stay busy. Some folks have elevated tool rehab to an art. The picture is of some of my favorites. I've been staying busy in our sew shop learning how to sew and working on putting together some packout bags.


Busy times...

Busy times at the rappel base! Its a pretty slow fire season nationwide right now and we're no exception. We had a small lightning bust around the 4th of July and I got on two fires but didn't get to rappel either. Our national helicopter went to California with a crew of 10 but other than that we've been spending a lot of quality time around the helibase. Its bound to pick up sooner or later though. It always does.