Other tools used to predict where wildfires might occur are the Fire Danger Rating maps and the U.S. Drought Monitor maps, which both show the same dismal picture. While some potential exists in the Southwest, there ain't much going on. And there in lies the problem. When firefighters desperately want to fight fire and there aren't any fires to fight, boredom, depression and low morality set in. And this is where our crew is quickly heading. While its almost a given that the fire season will pick up in Eastern Montana in late July and August when all this lush green grass cures out, that is still several months out and doesn't help our current situation. Bum seasons are the last thing you want to think about when you've left the rest of your life behind to go fight fire for the summer. After all, cash moves everything around me!
Kind of ironic that you are left HOPING for a fire........
Do you mean that low MORALE sets in when there are no fires or low MORALITY, or both?
Sounds depressing-hope you are not too depressed
It is ironic that a "good" fire season can mean two different things to two different people. Ranchers are quite happy with their green grass. Low morale and low morality go hand in hand I'm afraid. Idle hands, after all, do the devils work, and the devils work in this case involves the ever delicious Busch Light. I refer to it as sacrificing the liver on the alter of the fire gods. It has been proved in the past that excessive drinking leads to fire calls, so I'm just doing my part (within reason of course Mother :)
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