We got dispatched to check out a smoke report on the Northern Cheyenne reservation today. I was on the flight load along with Matt and Shannon. I was hoping to IC the fire if it was small, but by the time we got close a couple of county engines had already gotten there and confirmed it was on private land. Dispatch had us continue our flight and do a recon of the Custer NF around Ft. Howes while making our way over to another smoke report by Knowlton. After about an hour and a half we stopped to refuel and none too soon for me. That was the longest flight that I've been on so far and my flight helmet was killing my head. It felt like a pair of vise grips squeezing my temples. After we landed I got the helmet a little better adjusted and the rest of the flight was more comfortable. We didn't end up finding the other smoke but at least I got to see some pretty country and get a couple of hours of overtime.
Hi........Nice to meet You,
My name is Aik, I'm from Indonesia.
I Appreciate what you do to save the world.
Ok See You Later, God Bless You
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